

Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 10.06.22 PM


I laid out all my blocks today and began the final mapping. I decided that the colors I was using  were too bland, so I tried adding some abstract shapes to the bottoms and making the faces so that they appear to jut out of the blocks, almost like clay. I was afraid the shapes may be too tacky, but it was a solution I came up with to prevent blandness. With some of the elongated columns, there’s too much boring space below the faces (I had been practicing with blocks, so I didn’t anticipate this problem until I settled on columns. I like this arrangement so far, although I still have a lot of work to do on the faces to make them look better.  I’ve put blue tape around the columns and the place where my projector was so I can build everything out again the way it was.  It would be ideal not to have to move the blocks, but there’s a photo class that meets next week before Thursday.


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